
Mac news – September 2017

Happy Labor Day folks!

Thank you all for your patience with the lack of classes over the last two months. It was a crazy summer for me, and I needed to clear my calendar of anything I could, in order to keep up with everything else!

I'm coming to you this month with a bit of a new approach. I'm going to offer just one class a month, one in Ridgway, and one in Montrose, plus there will be occasional extras from time to time. I'm going to give you the topic, location and date/time here in the newsletter, and then have a link to get all the details on my blog at https://macdoktor.net. This will save me a bunch of time every month, and hopefully make this email more readable. So, without further ado, here's are my September classes:
  • Tuesday, Sept. 12th, from 7-9 pm at Montrose Proximity Space, at the monthly Black Canyon Mac User Group meeting, I will be hosting a lively Q&A session. Bring all your nagging questions and comments. Admission is free.
    • This isn't a "class" exactly, but more of an opportunity to ask questions about things that may have been annoying you for awhile, or that you simply don't understand. Bring any and all questions, and come prepared to learn some things!
  • Thursday, Sept. 21st, from 3-5 pm at the Montrose Proximity Space, I'll be offering a new class: "Keeping Things Organized On Your Mac". Cost is $20, and please contact me to sign up.
    • This new class is the result of my inquiry earlier this summer about ideas for classes you might be interested in taking. The idea will be to help you better understand where everything lives on your Mac, as well as how to better organize it using all the tools at your fingertips: folders, special locations, tagging, etc.
  • Saturday, Sept. 30th, from 10-noon at the Ridgway Library, I'll be bringing back my "iPhone/iPad Overview". This class will no longer be free however; it will cost $20 like my other classes.
    • For years, I offered this class for free, every other month at the Ridgway Library. Then they told me they couldn't afford to pay me to teach computer classes any longer, so I had to stop. I've had enough requests for this class however, that I've decided to bring it back as a paid class. This time around it should be pretty fun, as Apple's brand new iOS update, iOS 11, will have just come out later this month. There will be tons of new things to learn about, so join us if you can!!
Give me a call at (970) 417-8434 if you need more info. I do need you to sign up ahead of time for any class you hope to attend.

Hope to see you at a class sometime soon!