
BCMUG meeting presentation; March 11th, 2010

I presented the topic of password management at our local Mac User Group last night. Here are a bunch of links to things we covered:

• To download a stand-alone version of the Apple's built-in "Password Assistant" tool, visit CodePoetry.

• Next, a link to the website for my preferred password management program, 1Password.

• Here are a scant handful of links to sites discussing the difference between 'passwords' and 'passphrases', in the interest of giving folks a new take of the painful task of creating secure logins:
- First, the Wikipedia entry on the topic.
- Next, an interesting semi-random blog post...
- From the folks who created 1Password, another blog post, in a similar vein.
- Lastly, another blog post, this one describing a unique technique for "Creating and Remembering Complex Passwords"

Oh, almost forgot... Here's a link to the site that provides very enlightening information about the relative strength of passwords, depending on length and variation in characters. This site is where I gleaned my recommendation that a secure password should be at least 8 characters long, and always contain at least one capital letter, one punctuation character (!@#$%^&*()[]?<>) and one number.

I hope everyone who attended the presentation got something out of it; it's a pretty dry subject, but a critical one more than ever!

Until next time, here's to safe secure browsing!