
Mac classes – March 2017

Happy March 1st everyone. If any of you know where the first two months of the year went, please let me know. 🙄

The big news on the Mac class front is that the Ridgway Library is no longer able to offer my last-Wednesday-of-the-month classes for free. Even though I won't be doing those specific classes for free any longer, don't despair; I will continue to offer lots of classes, and some will be free, so be sure to read the fine print on every class. The number of venues I will be teaching at continues to grow, and I'm excited about that.

Hope to see you all at a class sometime soon!

On to the details...

Class list for March 2017:

  • Sat., March 4th, from noon-4 pm at the Ah Haa School in Telluride: "Intermediate iPhone/iPad Tips & Tricks"; an especially in-depth exploration of everything your iDevice can do. Sign up with Ah Haa. Cost is $65 for this 4 hour class.
  • Tues. March 14th, from 7-9 pm: as part of the monthly Black Canyon Mac User Group meeting, at Proximity Space, Montrose, I'll be showing you how to "Take Control of iTunes". This FREE presentation will include a raffle to give away an ebook of the same title.
  • Tues. March 21st, from 6-8 pm, at the Sherbino Theater, it's another installment of "iPhones & IPAs!", covering the wonderful world of iPhone photography. Presented by the Sherbino and Weehawken Creative Arts; sign up through Weekhawken. Cost is $35.
  • Wed., March 29th, from 5-7 pm at the Ridgway Library, by popular demand, I'll be revisiting Apple's "Photos" program. Cost for this class is $20.

Please do let me know if you plan to attend any of these classes; if I get enough commitments ahead of time, I don't have to send out a nagging reminder!

 Coming right up, this Saturday, March 4th, from noon-4 pm at the Ah Haa School in Telluride, I'll be doing another "Intermediate iPhone/iPad Tips & Tricks" class. Ever since I've been doing my basic overview classes covering Apple's iDevices, I've had many requests to offer an intermediate version. This class will be perfect for anyone who is hoping to use an iPad as their only computer, but also for those of you who know their way around their "iDevice" pretty well, but would love to know more of the advanced things it can do. Sign up with Ah Haa if you'd like to attend. Cost for this class is $65.

 Next, on Tuesday, March 14th, from 7-9 pm, at Proximity Space, Montrose, I'm going to show you how to "Take Control of iTunes!". This FREE presentation, as part of the Black Canyon Mac User Group's monthly meeting, will cover all the ins & outs of the media management program everyone loves to hate. To anyone that uses it, iTunes is a source of constant confusion and headaches, thanks to its many semi-related features and Apple’s frequent interface changes. Join us for an in-depth exploration of this 900-pound gorilla, and learn to master it! There will also be a raffle to give away a free ebook on the topic.

 Then, on the following Tuesday, March 21st, from 6-8 pm, at the Sherbino Theater in Ridgway, it'll be another installment of "iPhones & IPAs!". This fun class, presented by the Sherbino and Weehawken Creative Arts, is a lively & wide-ranging exploration of the fascinating world of iPhone photography!! You'll learn tips and tricks for getting the best results when you shoot photos with your iPhone, as well as learn about some of the many astounding apps that will help you take your iPhone-ography to the next level. Just $35 per person, which includes a beer ("iPA" recommended! ;-) or glass of wine. Sign up with Weehawken if you'd like to attend.

 Lastly, on Wednesday, March 29th from 5-7 pm at the Ridgway Library, by continued demand, I'll once again be covering Apple's new "Photos" program for Yosemite, El Capitan and now Sierra. Many people are getting more than a little discombobulated by the switch to Photos, but it's actually quite a powerful upgrade from iPhoto. Of course, there's a whole new interface to learn! If you're running Yosemite, El  Cap, or even Sierra on your Mac, you'll want to take this class to learn all the ins & outs of the new program. Please, do let me know if you plan to attend. Cost is $20.

I'm wishing you a spectacular March; spring is just around the corner! hope to see you at a class sometime soon!